A likelihood model for observations that are exact observations of a random variable that follows a Weibull distribution. The model assumes that the observations are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.).

This model defines all the relevant functions to satisfy being a likelihood model. It explicitly provides the following functions:

  • loglik.likelihood_exact_weibull: generates the log-likelihood function for the model.

  • score.likelihood_exact_weibull: generates the score function for the model.

  • hess_loglik.likelihood_exact_weibull: generates the Hessian of the log-likelihood for the model.

Note: This model may be used as a contribution in the likelihood_contr_model if a more complicated likelihood model is needed. For instance, if censoring is needed, then you can also define a censoring likelihood model, or just directly define it in the likelihood_contr_model if it is simple enough.




The name of the column in a data frame that contains the observations.