Bernoulli candidate set model is a particular type of uninformed model. Note that we do not generate candidate sets with this function. See md_cand_sampler for that.

  prob = "q",
  comp = "t",
  right_censoring_indicator = "delta"



masked data.


a vector of probabilities (pj is the probability that the jth system will include a non-failed component in its candidate set, assuming the jth system is not right-censored).


column prefix for component probabilities, defaults to q, e.g., q1, q2, q3.


column prefix for component lifetimes, defaults to t, e.g., t1, t2, t3.


right-censoring indicator column name. if TRUE, then the system lifetime is right-censored, otherwise it is observed. If NULL, then no right-censoring is assumed. Defaults to delta.


This model satisfies conditions C1, C2, and C3. The failed component will be in the corresponding candidate set with probability 1, and the remaining components will be in the candidate set with probability p (the same probability for each component). p may be different for each system, but it is assumed to be the same for each component within a system, so p can be a vector such that the length of p is the number of systems in the data set (with recycling if necessary).