
Ollama Data Tools

PyPI version



Clone the repository and install the necessary dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/queelius/ollama_data_tools.git
cd ollama_data_tools
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .

Ollama Data Tools

The OllamaData class is the core module of the Ollama Data Tools, allowing users to work programmatically with Ollama model data. This class provides methods to access, search, and filter model information.


Class Methods

OllamaData.get_schema() -> Dict[str, Any]

Returns the schema of the OllamaData object.

OllamaData.__init__(cache_path: str = '~/.ollama_data/cache', cache_time: str = '1 day')

Initializes the OllamaData object.

OllamaData.__len__() -> int

Returns the number of models.

OllamaData.__getitem__(index: int) -> Dict[str, Any]

Gets a model by index.

OllamaData.get_model(name: str) -> Dict[str, Any]

Gets the model by name. Returns the most specific model that starts with the given name.

OllamaData.get_models() -> Dict[str, Any]

Gets the models. Caches the model data to avoid repeated regeneration.

OllamaData.search(query: str = '[*]', regex: Optional[str] = None, regex_path: str = '@') -> Dict[str, Any]

Queries, searches, and views the models using a JMESPath query, regex filter, and exclude keys.

Usage Example

Here is an example of how to use the OllamaData class programmatically:

import ollama_data as od

# Initialize the OllamaData object
models = od.OllamaData(cache_path='~/.ollama_data/cache', cache_time='1 day')

# Get the schema of the OllamaData object
print("Schema:", models.get_schema())

# List all models
print("Models:", ollama_data.get_models())

# Get a specific model by name
model = models.get_model('mistral')
print("Specific Model:", model['name'])

# Search models using a JMESPath query
query_result = models.search(query="[*].{name: name, size: total_weights_size}")
print("Query Result:", query_result)

# Search models using a JMESPath query and regex filter
query_regex_result = models.search(
    query="[*].{name: name, size: total_weights_size}",
    regex="mistral", regex_path="name")
print("Query Regex Result:", query_regex_result)

Ollama Data Query

The ollama_data_query.py script allows users to search and filter Ollama models using JMESPath queries and regular expressions. This tool is designed to help users explore and retrieve specific information about the models in their Ollama registry.




To perform a JMESPath query:

ollama_data_query "max_by(@, &total_weights_size).{name: name, size: total_weights_size}"

To use a regular expression to filter results:

ollama_data_query --regex "mistral:latest" --regex-path name "[*].{name: name, size: total_weights_size}"

To pipe a query from a file or another command:

cat query.txt | ollama_data_query

Using regex and regex-path with a piped query:

echo "[*].{info: { name: name, other: weights}}" | ollama_data_query --regex 14f2 --regex-path "info.other[*].file_name"


Query for the Largest Model

ollama_data_query "max_by(@, &total_weights_size).{name: name, sz: total_weights_size}"

Filter Models Using Regex

ollama_data_query --regex "mistral|llama3" --regex-path name "[*].{name: name, size: total_weights_size}"

Pipe a Query from a File

cat query.txt | ollama_data_query

Use Regex with a Piped Query

echo "[*].{info: { name: name, other: weights}}" | ollama_data_query --regex 14f2 --regex-path "info.other[*].file_name"

Ollama Data Export

The ollama_data_export script allows users to export Ollama models to a specified directory. This tool creates soft links for the model weights and saves the model metadata in the output directory.




To export specified models to a directory:

ollama_data_export --models model1,model2 --outdir /path/to/export

To export all models to a directory:

ollama_data_export /path/to/export


Export Specified Models

ollama_data_export --models mistral,llama3 --outdir /path/to/export

Export All Models

ollama_data_export --ourdir /path/to/export

Enable Debug Logging

ollama_data_export --models mistral --outdir /path/to/export --debug
ollama_data_export --models mistral --outdir /path/to/export --hash-length 2

Ollama Data Adapter

The ollama_data_adapter script adapts Ollama models for use with other inference engines, such as llamacpp. This tool is designed to reduce friction when experimenting with local LLM models and integrates with other tools for viewing, searching, and exporting Ollama models.




To list all available engines:

ollama_data_adapter --list-engines

To list all available models:

ollama_data_adapter --list-models

To show the template for a specific model:

ollama_data_adapter mistral --show-template

## The template for the model has the following forms:
## - [INST]   [/INST]

To run a specific model with an engine:

ollama_data_adapter model engine --engine-path /path/to/engine --engine-args 'arg1' ... 'argn'


To use the llamacpp inference engine with the mistral model (assuming it is available in your Ollama registry), you might use the following arguments:

    mistral                          # Also matches `mistral:latest`
    llamacpp                         # Use the llamacpp engine
    --engine-path /path/to/llamacpp  # Path to engine, e.g. ~/llamacpp/main
    --engine-args                    # Pass these arguments into the engine 
        '--n-gpu-layers 40'
        '--prompt "[INST] You are a helpful AI assistant. [/INST]"'

The --prompt engine pass-through argument follows the template shown by the ollama_data_adapter mistral --show-template.

We place a lot of burden on the end-user to get the formatting right. These models are very sensitive to how you prompt them, so some experimentation may be necessary.

You may also want to use ollama_data_query to show the system message or other properties of a model, so that you can further customize the pass-through arguments to better fit its training data.


Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss changes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Alex Towell