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Here’s a quick demonstration of how to use the femtograd R package.

Load it like this:


Exponential distribution

Let’s create a simple loglikelihood function for the exponential distribution paramterized by λ (failure rate).

We have fTi(ti|λ) = λexp (−λti). So, the loglikelihood function is just $$ \ell(\lambda) = n \log \lambda - \lambda \sum_{i=1}^n t_i. $$

Let’s generate n = 30 observations.

n <- 30
true_rate <- 7.3
data <- rexp(n,true_rate)
#> [1] 0.055221361 0.140126138 0.011210974 0.006967867 0.335711352 0.255494529

(mle.rate <- abs(1/mean(data)))
#> [1] 6.687716

We see that the MLE θ̂ is 6.6877162. Let’s solve for the MLE iteratively as a demonstration of how to use femtograd. First, we construct the log-likelihood function.

loglike_exp <- function(rate, data)
  return(log(rate)*length(data) - rate * sum(data))

Initially, we guess that λ̂ is 5, which is a terrible estimate.

rate <- val(1)

Next, we find the MLE using a simple iteration (100 loops).

# to prevent taking too large of a step
# gradients are a local feature, so we don't want to make too big of jumps
grad_clip <- function(grad, max_norm = 1)
  norm <- sqrt(sum(grad * grad))
  if (norm > max_norm)
    grad <- (max_norm / norm) * grad

loglik <- loglike_exp(rate, data)
lr <- 0.2
for (i in 1:200)

  rate$data <- rate$data + lr * grad_clip(rate$grad)
  if (i %% 10 == 0)
    cat("iteration", i, ", rate =", rate$data, ", rate.grad =", rate$grad, "\n")
#> iteration 10 , rate = 3 , rate.grad = 6.228449 
#> iteration 20 , rate = 5 , rate.grad = 1.764164 
#> iteration 30 , rate = 6.338889 , rate.grad = 0.2906576 
#> iteration 40 , rate = 6.60888 , rate.grad = 0.06205048 
#> iteration 50 , rate = 6.66924 , rate.grad = 0.01436616 
#> iteration 60 , rate = 6.683351 , rate.grad = 0.003384349 
#> iteration 70 , rate = 6.686683 , rate.grad = 0.0008004893 
#> iteration 80 , rate = 6.687472 , rate.grad = 0.0001895165 
#> iteration 90 , rate = 6.687658 , rate.grad = 4.487825e-05 
#> iteration 100 , rate = 6.687703 , rate.grad = 1.062791e-05 
#> iteration 110 , rate = 6.687713 , rate.grad = 2.516895e-06 
#> iteration 120 , rate = 6.687715 , rate.grad = 5.960515e-07 
#> iteration 130 , rate = 6.687716 , rate.grad = 1.411571e-07 
#> iteration 140 , rate = 6.687716 , rate.grad = 3.342887e-08 
#> iteration 150 , rate = 6.687716 , rate.grad = 7.916637e-09 
#> iteration 160 , rate = 6.687716 , rate.grad = 1.874821e-09 
#> iteration 170 , rate = 6.687716 , rate.grad = 4.439951e-10 
#> iteration 180 , rate = 6.687716 , rate.grad = 1.05147e-10 
#> iteration 190 , rate = 6.687716 , rate.grad = 2.490097e-11 
#> iteration 200 , rate = 6.687716 , rate.grad = 5.896617e-12

Did it converge to the MLE?

(converged <- (abs(mle.rate - rate$data) < 1e-3))
#> [1] TRUE

It’s worth pointing out that we did not update loglik in the loop, since we only needed the gradient (score) to do that particular gradient ascent. If, however, we had used the log-likelihood value at rate, for instance using a line search method to avoid having to specify a step size, then we would need to update loglik each time through the loop.