This is a repo that I will use to develop my Bernoulli data type concept, which is a general framework for understanding and constructing a lot of interesting new data types and compuational trade-offs. It can also be used as a foundation for constructing oblivious programs as a composition of oblivious data types / obvious functions.

I doubt any of it will compile – I actually hadn’t looked at this in years, while I battled sickness and cancer, but now that I’m feeling better, I’m revisting some old projects. Look at my repo for other things I’m working on, and for my personal web site.

Here are some markdown files in the repo. I’ve throw it all into Doxygen, but I haven’t had time to make it work properly yet. Here are the files:

  • Bernoulli Map for info on the most generic type, which can be used to in theory model any computable function. We also show how even traditional algorithms, like the Miller-Rabin primality test, can be understood in th framework of the Bernoulli model.
    • The random approximate values over algebraic types
      • I’m not sure if this is correct. The markdown files I have should be more up to date and more correct, so stick with this for grokking the concept. This PDF is more for historical purposes, and to show how I was thinking about it at the time.
  • Bernoulli Bool for an example of the simplest Bernoulli type, useful for understanding.
  • Bernoulli Set for information on the most common kind of Bernoulli data type. The Bloom filtr is a special case. Here are some PDF files related to this:
    • Bernoulli sets: a model for modeling sets with random errors and corresponding random binary classification measures.
      • A lot of the material in this section is obsolete, but there is still a lot of good information here.
    • An algebra of random approximate sets with derivations of higher-order random approximate sets induced by set-theoretic operations on random approximate sets with corresponding random binary classification measures.
      • Again, a lot of obsolete content. Much of this comes prior to my generalization of the result for Bernoulli types, and before I had a proper appreciation for the correct definition. However, as a separate result, if we ignore some of the details, it has a lot of interesting information.
  • Codec for more information codecs. I will eventually use this to describe how to automatically generate any Bernoulli map, including Cipher maps (Oblivious data type). The idea will be to use the universal Bernoulli map constructor
  • Regular Type for more information about regular types, and how the Bernoulli model fails this basic requirement in many ways. It’s not intended as a criticism, because in some ways it’s desirable (say in the oblivious type use-case), only to explain why some predicates like equality are not necessarily accurate (equality itself return a Bernoulli Boolean).

See the API Documentation for more details, but there isn’t much there yet. I’ll be working on the code + doxygen comments soon.