Understanding Equality in Trees and Nodes

Identity and equality are foundational concepts that help us reason about relationships between objects. While identity implies strict sameness, equality often refers to contextual similarities between objects. In this document, we will define identity in a strict sense and then explore different ways to define and use equality.

Identity: The Strict Definition

In philosophy, Leibniz’s Law (or the Indiscernibility of Identicals) states that two objects, x and y, are identical if and only if for all predicates p, p(x) = p(y). In other words, two objects are identical if every possible property holds equally for both objects. This is a very strong form of identity, implying that there is no possible distinction between x and y.

In computer science, this strict definition of identity corresponds to the concept of object identity. Two objects are identical if they are the same instance in memory, which can be checked using the id() function in Python. This is the only situation in which we can guarantee that every predicate will yield the same result for both objects, as their memory addresses are the same.

Example: In Python, two variables are considered identical if they point to the same object in memory:

x = [1, 2, 3]
y = x
assert id(x) == id(y)  # True, x and y are identical

However, strict identity is often not what we are interested in when reasoning about data structures or values. In most cases, we want to compare objects based on their properties or behaviors, rather than their memory addresses. This leads us to the concept of equality, which can be defined in various ways depending on the context.

Equality: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Properties

When defining equality, we must consider whether we are comparing the intrinsic properties of an object or its extrinsic properties:

1. Intrinsic Properties:: These are the properties that belong to the object itself, independent of its relationships with other objects. For example, the intrinsic properties of an object might include its name, value, or other internal attributes.

2. Extrinsic Properties:: These are properties that depend on the object’s relationships to other objects or its environment. For example, the extrinsic properties of an object might include its position within a structure, its relationships to other objects, or its role within a larger context.

Equality in Trees and Nodes

Now that we have discussed identity and equality at a high level, we can turn our attention to how these concepts apply specifically to trees and nodes. Trees, being hierarchical data structures, bring particular concerns about how we compare nodes and entire tree structures. Equality can be defined based on both intrinsic and extrinsic properties in this context.

  1. Value Equality (Intrinsic):

    Two nodes are considered equal if they have the same intrinsic value (payload and name), even if they are different instances in memory. Note that we do not look at the parent-child relationships or the position in the tree.

  2. Path Equality (Mixed):

    Two nodes or trees are equal if they occupy the same positions in trees that compare equal. This may often be relaxed and consider only the path from the root to the node, rather than the entire structure. Another related kind of equality is positional equality, which does not consider even the names of nodes, only their positions in isomorphic trees.

  3. Name Equality (Intrinsic):

    Two nodes are equal if they share the same name. This focuses only on a specific intrinsic attribute, abstracting away other properties. It is often the most important property for certain types of trees (e.g., there may not even be payloads and names may be unique).

  4. Payload Equality (Intrinsic):

    Two nodes are equal if they contain the same payload, even if their structure or position in the tree differs.

  5. Tree Equality (Mixed):

    Two trees are equal if they have the same structure and the same data at each corresponding node, considering both intrinsic and extrinsic properties.

  6. Tree Isomorphism (Mixed):

    Two trees are isomorphic if they have the same structure, but the labels and data at each node may differ. This is a weaker form of equality that focuses strictly on its structure.

Hashing and Equality

Hashing is a technique used to map data of arbitrary size to fixed-size values. It has a wide range of applications, but here we are interested in how it can be used to implement different forms of equality. It is not necessarily the most efficient way to implement equality, but it can also be used to store objects in hash-based data structures like dictionaries or sets.

Here are examples of how different hash functions can be used to implement various forms of equality for trees and nodes:

  1. Name Equality:

    Two nodes are considered equal if they have the same name.

    node1 = Node('A', payload=10)
    node2 = Node('A', payload=20)
    assert NodeHasher.name(node1) == NodeHasher.name(node2)
  2. Payload Equality:

    Two nodes are considered equal if they have the same payload.

    node1 = Node('A', payload=10)
    node2 = Node('B', payload=10)
    assert NodeHasher.payload(node1) == NodeHasher.payload(node2)
  3. Node Equality (Name + Payload):

    Two nodes are considered equal if they share the same name and payload.

    node1 = Node('A', payload=10)
    node2 = Node('A', payload=10)
    assert NodeHasher.node(node1) == NodeHasher.node(node2)
  4. Path Equality:

    Two nodes are considered equal if they occupy the same position in their respective trees.

    root1 = Node('Root')
    child1 = Node('A')
    root2 = Node('Root')
    child2 = Node('B')
    assert NodeHasher.path(child1) == NodeHasher.path(child2)
  5. Tree Equality:

    Two trees are considered equal if they have the same structure and data.

    root1 = Node('Root')
    child1_1 = Node('A', payload=10)
    child1_2 = Node('B', payload=20)
    root2 = Node('Root')
    child2_1 = Node('A', payload=10)
    child2_2 = Node('B', payload=20)
    assert TreeHasher.tree(root1) == TreeHasher.tree(root2)
  6. Tree Isomorphism:

    Two trees are considered equal if they have the same structure, but not necessarily the same data or labels.

    root1 = Node('Root')
    child1_1 = Node('A', payload=10)
    child1_2 = Node('B', payload=20)
    root2 = Node('Root')
    child2_1 = Node('1', payload=30)
    child2_2 = Node('2', payload=40)
    assert TreeHasher.isomorphic(root1) == TreeHasher.isomorphic(root2)

Explanation of Hash Collisions

It’s important to note that hashing functions, while efficient for comparisons, have a small probability of producing hash collisions—situations where two different objects produce the same hash value. This is because the space of possible hash values is finite, while the space of possible inputs (nodes, trees, etc.) is effectively infinite.

For example, two different trees might produce the same hash value due to a collision, but this would be rare assuming a good hash function.

Philosophical Perspective: The Ship of Theseus

The Ship of Theseus is a famous philosophical thought experiment that raises questions about identity and persistence over time. The thought experiment asks: if all the parts of a ship are gradually replaced, piece by piece, is it still the same ship? This highlights the tension between identity as a matter of intrinsic properties (the materials of the ship) versus extrinsic properties (the ship as a whole and its continuity over time).

In the context of trees and nodes, this thought experiment reminds us that identity is often a convention and can depend on what we consider intrinsic or extrinsic. For instance, a node might be considered the “same” if it has the same name and payload, even if its position in the tree changes. Alternatively, a node’s identity might be tied to its position within the tree, and changing that position might alter its identity.


Identity and equality are distinct but related concepts. Identity in its strictest sense, as defined by Leibniz’s Law, implies complete indistinguishability and is typically realized in computer science through object identity (i.e., the id() function). However, in practice, we often work with different forms of equality, which allow us to compare objects based on specific properties or criteria.

By distinguishing between intrinsic and extrinsic properties, we can better define equality in context. Whether we care about value, structure, or position, choosing the right form of equality for our problem is crucial to building correct and efficient systems, particularly when working with tree structures.